The salvation army school, batala


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About us
The land was bought in June in 1909 by Commissioner Fredrick Booth Tucker to cater educational services among the rural communities of Punjab. The building was constructed since then. The parents feel absolutely satisfied with the services provided by The Salvation Army in Educational Ministry. The Motto of the Campus, “To Save Souls through Education In The Name Of Jesus.”
This institution is serving the locality in education since 1924 to till date with its unstoppable efforts and challenges.

Chairman’s Message
The Salvation Army is serving the humanity through four fold ministries i.e. spiritual, social and medical and education. Educational services were put into execution in 1924 in Batala (Gurdaspur) Punjab. In old and golden day, Gurkul system was existed where Guru shared his life with the pupils in every possible way. By keeping all this in mind , the pioneers started Batala boys Hostel in 1924, where the boys were brought up in hostel from rural areas and taught them free of cost.
Since then, the small school has grown into the education institution with sister concern the Gurdaspur School. This institution is committed to import affordable yet high quality education based on human values as taught by our Lord Jesus Christ without discrimination of caste and creed. The Salvation Army always helps the needy. This institution is continually helping the rural and urban communities.
“Vision “ is the magazine of the school. The students / teachers express their views through vision.
Where there is no vision , there is no progress is the slogan behind naming the magazine.
we congratulate Major William Masih and Major Kawalpreet , the teaching faculty and
non teaching staff for their sincere effort to run and serve in the institution with a grand
success.We thank all the parents who put their faith in the solution to hand over their
loved ones for education, We assure them, we will live up to their expectations.
May God bless our Educational Institution in Batala.
Educational Institutions
Batala (Gurdaspur) Punjab
Manager’s Message
Life is not a bed of roses. It consists of both adversity and fulfillings situations prosperity and privation. William Hazlitt has write,” Prosperity is a great teacher , adversity is Greater. Possession pampers the mind, privation trains and strong then it. The Salvation Army Education Institution provide all meaning education to all students along with theoretical knowledge. In this modern Era of Technology where the students already know much more about 3G / 4G world. To teach them morals and ethics are a great challenge .
In campus the students are provided best facilities that they may feel good to compete with private institutions’ students. Regularly the guest lecturers are invited that they may address the student rising demand in the learning. All Teachers believe in hard work and dedication . The students are continually told that nothing is impossible in this world as our institution also win champion of Champions Trophy in sports since 2003 till date . The teacher incharge of sports, coaches and the management work very hard , spend a lot of money and time to achieve the success. Likewise in academic side, The teachers are worked very hard and the students are placed in merits and distinction . our mission is to reach and involve youth and children as they are today’s leaders. The Salvation Army remains on the front side to fulfill the needs of needy and especially in field of education. On behalf of The Salvation Army , We assure the parents and the students to look after their needs and shape good citizen of the world . To conclude the message, we will tell students that “ Hardwork, will power and dedication can lead them to sure success “
Wishes you a will-Power and dedication to succeed.
yours in Christ,
The Salvation Army School
Batala (Gurdaspur) Punjab
Principal’s Message
Education gives vision to improve the quality of life. We salute the success of the pioneer offices major F.B Tucker and other who purchased the piece of land to start Education services in Punjab in 1909 and then it had been started in 1924.” Soup, Sap and Salvation ” was the message of the army since its inception in 1865 from London which today has contracted in 130 countries by its message of Jesus Christ.
In to many places across the globe, a resoltion turning to materialism has led to an unhealthy exclusion of those other key elements required for men and women to know Deep and lasting satisfaction. Materialism can never address the deepest longing to our heart and his superficial features of too many societies around the world is simply in capable of giving true joy and freedom. Life is more than the accumulation of possession and many individual today despite owning so much remain unsatisfied. The Bible speak to us about the purpose of our lives. It speaks to us about our destiny that is why The salvation Army emphasis to impart Education services where there is need for it . This education institution is based on Bible teaching and the pioneers had selected the golden verse for children. “The fear of the lord is the beginning of the wisdom “. (Proverb 9:10) . May God richly bless you all students, teachers, staff, office and parents as you join with us to be a part in the education ministry of The Salvation Army.
The key of words for the grownup students “let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus the pioneer.
The Salvation Army School
Batala (Gurdaspur) Punjab